Make A Gift


Martin Goodman believed that an essential element of a democratic Canadian society is responsible journalism based upon informed ethical reporting.  Additional resources are required for educational advancement and reflective study by practicing journalists be directed to this purpose led Martin and Janis Goodman to establish the Martin Wise Goodman Trust  in 1981, in support of a Canadian Nieman Fellowship. The fund is applied exclusively for educational purposes in the Nieman program at Harvard University.

As a registered charity / non profit educational foundation The Martin Wise Goodman Trust is funded by a publicly subscribed permanent endowment in memory of Martin Wise Goodman and relies on the generosity of its supporters to continue sending a Canadian to participate in the Nieman Fellowship program at Harvard University.

You can help continue this fellowship and promote Canadian journalism by donating.

Donations to the Martin Wise Goodman Canadian Nieman Fellowship can be made online 
through Canada Helps at this link: